Sunday, September 16, 2018

Matariki Art Work

Here is some amazing art work we did around the seven stars of Matariki.
We did them in pastel and they were framed like this to give the impression of looking at the stars out of a window.
We used cold colours for the background and hot colours for the stars.

Mosaic Art

As part of our Inquiry Work we have been learning about different styles of art.
We learnt about Mosaic and had a go at doing some.
Here is some of our work.
We had to think of a title that suited our art work.
We think they look pretty awesome.

Simile Poems

We have been working on making our writing more descriptive by using similes.
We wrote a poem about ourselves using similes, it was hard work but lots of fun.
We have also been learning how collage and used this technique for the background to our poems.